Thursday, March 3, 2016

Beet / Carrot Juice

Today I am making my juice from:
- one Roma tomato
- one beat-three carrots
- 1 inch of ginger
- one lime
- one pear
- and one orange.

It was actually pretty tasty!  The beet flavor blended in nicely.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Cold-Fighting Juice

Today, I feel like I am coming down with a cold, sore throat, inflamed sinuses and my left ear feels full again.  I haven't juiced in a few days. I am making a juice to help fight the cold. 

My juice contains: 
- three oranges 
- two carrots 
- Half a cucumber 
- a bunch of red grapes 
- a green pepper 
- a couple stocks of celery 
- and a bunch of cilantro.  

This juice will help kick the cold out of my system by giving it the support it needs.

Friday, February 19, 2016

How To Cure Headaches and Migraines Naturally

Butterbur: decreases inflammation and spasming: endorsed by the American Headache Society for migraine prevention.

Feverfew: evidence supports use as a preventative (contains salicylates).

Magnesium: deficiencies have proven to increase migraines, and magnesium is proven to help prevent them.

Riboflavin: a B vitamin that has been shown in some studies to prevent headaches.

Biofeedback:  a powerful treatment that triggers the relaxation response.

Craniosacral therapy: a wonderful, gentle soft touch massage technique focused on the head and neck.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Heal Your Asthma Naturally

Butterbur: decreases inflammation and spasming.

EPA: helps reduce inflammation that triggers bronchial spasming.

Ginkgo Biloba: also helps reduce bronchial spasming.

Magnesium: helps relax muscles in lungs; IV drips can stop acute attacks.

Kundalini Yoga: type of yoga that uses breath-based techniques that serve as asthma prevention.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chronic Allergies and Respiratory Congestion? Heal It Naturally!

Bromelain:  mucolytic enzyme that can reduce inflammation and act as a preventative.

Butterbur:  reduces inflammation in the nasal passage.

Essential Oils (Young Living Thieves): combined with steam inhalation, these act as expectorants and decongestants (they are also germicidal).

NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine):  helps break up mucous.

Nazanol by Metagenics: a nondrying, non stimulating decongestant.

Nettles: natural herbal antihistamine.

Quercetin: reduces inflammation that leads to allergies and sinusitis.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Home Remedies

Arnica: Bruising

Chamomilla: Teething Babies

Nux vomica: Nausea and hangovers

Oscillococcinum: Flu

Sabadil: Allergies

Calms Forte: General Tension

Monday, February 15, 2016

Common Food Triggers: Salicylates

Salicylate can trigger respiratory and skin dysfunction.  They are commonly found in many vegetables, fruits, nuts/seeds, herbs and spices and aspirin.  Make sure you peel your fruits and vegetables before eating them.

To find more information, read The Detox Prescription:

Friday, February 12, 2016

Common Food Triggers: Sulfites

Sulfites are a common trigger for respiratory and skin dysfunctions.  You can find these in preserved or processed foods, dried fruits, nuts, trail mix, baked goods, wine, beer and many condiments.

To learn more, read The Detox Prescription:

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Common Food Triggers: Tyramines

If you suffer from Migraines, you may have a sensitivity to tyramines.  They are found in fermented, aged or stale foods like cheese, wine, nuts, seeds and pickled vegetables.

For more information, read The Detox Prescription:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Common Food Triggers: Histamines

Histamines include processed or cured meats, cheese, canned fish, chocolate, vinegar, alcohol, some nuts and condiments.  If you suffer from migraines, try cutting out histamine containing foods for 3 weeks and then reintroducing them to your diet.

For more health tips, read The Detox Prescription!  I have the link below:

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Common Food Triggers: Corn

Corn can trigger inflammation and disease.  It should be considered if you are suffering from headaches (especially migraines) allergies and asthma, skin rashes, joint pain or digestive complaints.

If you want more health tips like these, read The Detox Prescription.  I have added a link:

Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Probiotics!

After I finished my 2 week Detox with Garden Of Life Fungal Defense, I started my 5 day regimen of taking a super probiotic.  I used Garden of Life's 5 day Max Care Probiotic to repopulate my gut with good bacteria.  The Fungal Defense wiped out a lot of the bad bacteria making room for the good bacteria I was putting in my body with the 5 day Max Care.

This formula contained 400 Billion probiotics total with 34 different strains.  This is enough to help with the major gut issues like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).  

It was in powder form.  They included a scoop in the bottle.  It says 5 day care, but if you use the scoop they included, it actually lasts 6 days.  Once a day, you put one scoop of the probiotic into a glass of water and drink.  I thought it tasted a little like malt.

My system was so gassy and bloated while I was taking this.  I read that this is a die-off symptom.  The good bacteria are killing the bad bacteria.  When bacteria dies, it produces gas.  

After I finished my super probiotic, I felt much better overall.

Here is a link to the Garden of Life Max Care that I used:

Friday, February 5, 2016

Great Article on Healing Asthma Naturally!

I found a great article that explains what really causes asthma and how to cure or improve symptoms naturally:  Natural Healing For Asthma .  It is worth a read.

I found it interesting that some foods we eat could be causing our asthma symptoms to worsen gradually without us even knowing it.  These foods are not being broken down properly in our systems and our body is fighting the foreign contaminants with mucous and inflammation.

This, in turn, causes constant stress on the lymphatic system.  Since the lymphatic system fights infections, our body becomes more prone to infections and we get more sinus infections and asthma flare-ups. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Magnesium Deficiency?

Well, I have been taking Doctor's Best Magnesium for a few weeks.

My eye had been twitching for a few months, so I read up on it and the thing that kept popping up for eye twitches was magnesium deficiency.

I ordered a bottle of Doctor's Best Magnesium a few weeks ago and I have been taking two pills a day since then.

My eye twitch went away!  I've also noticed that my muscles do not get as sore after a workout as they used to.

Here is a link to Doctor's Best Magnesium:

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Detoxing For Health!

I decided to do a detox of my system since I have been on so many antibiotics and medications in my life.  I wanted to get rid of any leftover medication in my system, build up my good gut bacteria and get rid of some of my bad gut bacteria.

After some research, I decided to go with Garden Of Life's Fungal Defense.  It kills anything that causes yeast in your system, including Candida!

The whole bottle lasts two weeks.  You start off by taking one pill three times a day and you build up to six pills a day.

The taste is like Italian seasonings, which makes sense since they use herbs in the pill mixture.  It is all natural.  I did not have any discomfort while I was on the pills.  I did have a few die-off symptoms though.  Die-off is created when the bad stuff in your body is dying off.  I was more tired than usual.  I also had a few new pimples each day, but each pimple only lasted a day.  It was all the bad stuff exiting my system through my pores!

Also, while I was on the Fungal Defense regimen, I did not catch a cold that was going around my house.  Normally I catch everything.

When I finished the Fungal Defense, I could tell that I had more energy.

I bought another bottle so I can take a Fungal Defense when I am beginning to feel under the weather.  I recently felt like I was getting a sinus and ear infection.  I took one Fungal Defense pill each day that I felt the fullness in my sinus and ear.  It went away after a few days!

Normally I catch every cold and they turn into infections and then they aggravate my asthma.  Not this time!!!

Here is my link to buy the Fungal Defense:

Friday, January 22, 2016

How Juicing Is Effecting My Blood Pressure And Pulse Rate

Before I began juicing, my blood pressure was around 126/76.

Since I have been juicing my blood pressure has gone down to 100/70.

Nurses have taken my blood pressure twice in the past few weeks.

Also I wear a fit bit so I can watch my pulse rate.

Before juicing, my resting pulse rate was up around 76 bpm now it is around 67 bpm.

Juicing is definitely helping with my pulse rate and blood pressure!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Magnesium Deficiency?

I have read that magnesium deficiency can cause an eye to twitch. Also, my dad had a magnesium deficiency.

I am going to try taking a magnesium pill each day to see if this helps.

I ordered Doctors Best magnesium.  It is 100% chelated.  

I took my first two pills this morning. It says that two tablets equal 50% of the daily value of magnesium. Let's see how this goes!

This is the Magnesium pill that I am taking:

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Symptoms before juicing

Here is a list of my symptoms before I begin juicing and detoxing:

- Tired 
- left ear tinnitus 
- sinusitis 
- nasal polyps and mucoceles 
- sinus swelling 
- asthma 
- constant wheezing 
- high mucus production 
- coughing
- hypoglycemic
- Low blood iron
- food and environmental allergies
- lactose intolerant

I just developed the asthma 5 years ago. The eye twitch and tinnitus began this Summer.


- Xyzal (allergies)
- Singulair (asthma)
- Albuterol inhaler (asthma)
- Symbicort inhaler (asthma)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Juice With Turmeric

Today I am making my juice from:

-a few leaves of kale 
-a parsnip 
- three radishes with their greens 
- an inch of ginger 
- Turmeric 
- a bunch of carrots 
- one orange 
- one Granny Smith apple 
- some parsley 
- and cilantro

I added a spoon of organic apple cider vinegar with "The Mother".