Thursday, March 3, 2016

Beet / Carrot Juice

Today I am making my juice from:
- one Roma tomato
- one beat-three carrots
- 1 inch of ginger
- one lime
- one pear
- and one orange.

It was actually pretty tasty!  The beet flavor blended in nicely.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Cold-Fighting Juice

Today, I feel like I am coming down with a cold, sore throat, inflamed sinuses and my left ear feels full again.  I haven't juiced in a few days. I am making a juice to help fight the cold. 

My juice contains: 
- three oranges 
- two carrots 
- Half a cucumber 
- a bunch of red grapes 
- a green pepper 
- a couple stocks of celery 
- and a bunch of cilantro.  

This juice will help kick the cold out of my system by giving it the support it needs.

Friday, February 19, 2016

How To Cure Headaches and Migraines Naturally

Butterbur: decreases inflammation and spasming: endorsed by the American Headache Society for migraine prevention.

Feverfew: evidence supports use as a preventative (contains salicylates).

Magnesium: deficiencies have proven to increase migraines, and magnesium is proven to help prevent them.

Riboflavin: a B vitamin that has been shown in some studies to prevent headaches.

Biofeedback:  a powerful treatment that triggers the relaxation response.

Craniosacral therapy: a wonderful, gentle soft touch massage technique focused on the head and neck.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Heal Your Asthma Naturally

Butterbur: decreases inflammation and spasming.

EPA: helps reduce inflammation that triggers bronchial spasming.

Ginkgo Biloba: also helps reduce bronchial spasming.

Magnesium: helps relax muscles in lungs; IV drips can stop acute attacks.

Kundalini Yoga: type of yoga that uses breath-based techniques that serve as asthma prevention.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chronic Allergies and Respiratory Congestion? Heal It Naturally!

Bromelain:  mucolytic enzyme that can reduce inflammation and act as a preventative.

Butterbur:  reduces inflammation in the nasal passage.

Essential Oils (Young Living Thieves): combined with steam inhalation, these act as expectorants and decongestants (they are also germicidal).

NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine):  helps break up mucous.

Nazanol by Metagenics: a nondrying, non stimulating decongestant.

Nettles: natural herbal antihistamine.

Quercetin: reduces inflammation that leads to allergies and sinusitis.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Home Remedies

Arnica: Bruising

Chamomilla: Teething Babies

Nux vomica: Nausea and hangovers

Oscillococcinum: Flu

Sabadil: Allergies

Calms Forte: General Tension

Monday, February 15, 2016

Common Food Triggers: Salicylates

Salicylate can trigger respiratory and skin dysfunction.  They are commonly found in many vegetables, fruits, nuts/seeds, herbs and spices and aspirin.  Make sure you peel your fruits and vegetables before eating them.

To find more information, read The Detox Prescription: