Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A Little Bit About Me And Why I Am Juicing.

Hello everyone!  I started juicing recently to get rid of sinus and lung inflammation and to get off all the medication I am on.  I have chronic asthma and sinusitis.  I would love to not wheeze all the time.

To control my asthma, allergies and sinusitis I am on a list of medications including: antibiotics, steroids, inhalers, nose sprays and a handful of pills each day.  I still wheeze every day and have chronic inflammation in my lungs and sinuses.   I am only in my 30's!

Since the medication does not seem to be working and is filling me with toxins, I have decided to try a few different alternative medicines.

I am allergic to Brazil Nuts and I am lactose intolerant.  I cut out all dairy and it seemed to help a little.  I went to a Naturopath doctor who did some blood work on me and found that I also have an allergy to eggs, soy and dairy and a gluten sensitivity.  I cut it all out of my diet.  That seemed to help a little bit more, but I still needed something more.

I started researching cleanses and juicing.  I came to find out that all the medicine I am putting into my body is causing more harm than good.  I am building a toxic arsenal in my body which could be causing my symptoms. A deep cleanse would help me get back on the road to recovery.

Right now, I am on antibiotics and steroids for a sinus infection and asthma exacerbation.  Last week, I started juicing once a day to get more nutrients into my body and flush the toxins out.  This week, I began juicing twice a day.  I still eat Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner but they are much lighter than before.

Next week, when I finish my antibiotics and steroids, I will began my 15 day fungal cleanse to remove any yeast, mold or candida that may be wreaking havoc in my system.  I hope to replace one meal a day with a juice at that point.

Follow me on my journey to better health!

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